We have an opportunity-based curriculum, empowering our boys to become fully engaged citizens in their community. We are particularly proud of our sporting achievements and long-standing commitment to musical performance.
Our curriculum is built around timetabled teaching periods, as well as wider experiences that aim to embed our values and ethos. This includes outdoor education experiences, work-experience for all and curriculum-focussed visits. Home learning is an important tool for developing organisational skills and resilience. We expect parents to support us in ensuring that students develop effective study habits.
Our explicitly taught curriculum is enhanced by our carefully planned assembly schedule, character curriculum and student leadership programme. These each provide opportunities to understand ourselves, others in society, to form and articulate opinions and have our ideas challenged.
Our curriculum aims to inspire a love for learning and personal development, equipping our boys with the skills, knowledge and values to help them progress on to the next stages of their learning journey post West Hill. Our destination figures are typically above local and national averages. The majority of our leavers progress to either Ashton Sixth Form College (Ofsted Outstanding) or Tameside College (Ofsted Good). An increasing number are taking up apprenticeship routes which are promoted and valued. These choices are informed by our Careers programme, where each student has opportunities to take part in presentations, employer encounters and visits to colleges and workplaces.
The curriculum is delivered by:
- Our staff – through programmes of study and wider curriculum engagement
- Our pastoral provision – engaging with external agencies and parents/carers
- Our boys themselves – taking ownership and driving their own development needs through our student leadership award.
The overall curriculum is tailored towards the advancement of all students, regardless of their background and abilities. Students are taught in carefully planned groups with a blend of starting points and needs. Later in the school experience, some subject areas use streaming to ensure that students have the best chances of succeeding in the exam entry tier that they are being entered for.
Support is offered within school for a range of circumstances that students may encounter during their time at West Hill. These may be learning needs, emotional support, behavioural support or mental health support. A fundamental value that we share is the equality, and overall acceptance, of individuals within and around the school community.
Our experience of West Hill can be summarised as; the promotion of traditional values set within the context of a modern society.
~ Senior Prefect Team
Curriculum Statement
At West Hill School we aspire to deliver a curriculum which engages all of our students, regardless of background, in a rich, academically rigorous and aspirational programme of study throughout their time at our school. We also prioritise an ambitious curriculum for all, ensuring that all school staff plan effectively so that the curriculum is accessible for all students, including those with specific learning needs. Our curriculum is wide-ranging and inclusive, and provides a number of opportunities for students to prepare for life in modern Britain and to ‘Aim High’ in all aspects of their future life.
We follow a one-week, 25-hour-taught timetable with many co-curricular activities available around the school day. At Key-Stage 4, our students are given three option choices. They are not forced down a particular pathway. They are not limited to one creative option choice or prevented from choosing particular combinations.
Our teachers are subject specialists who value learning. They have developed curriculum plans to ensure knowledge progression, clear sequencing of concepts and opportunities for knowledge recall to transfer key knowledge into students’ long-term memory.
We ensure that the curriculum is regularly quality assured through learning walks, lesson observations, work scrutiny and coaching. We continually refine our teaching methodologies as part of our review processes, our staff are continually learning and developing themselves to be the best that they can. We expect the same from our students.
Key Stage 3 - Years 7, 8 and 9
Our Key Stage 3 curriculum is taught over three years and follows the national curriculum. The content in each subject is coherently planned and carefully sequenced to allow students to acquire deep knowledge, develop skills and build solid foundations for Key Stage 4.
Further details of the content that Years 7-9 will be studying for each of their subjects can be found on the Curriculum pages in this section of the school website. The time allocation in hours for all subjects at Key Stage 3 is given below:
Department | Year 7 | Year 8 | Year 9 |
English |
4 |
3 |
3 |
Mathematics |
3 |
4 |
4 |
Science |
3 |
3 |
3 |
Languages (German and Spanish) |
2 |
2 |
2 |
History |
2 |
2 |
2 |
Geography |
2 |
2 |
2 |
Religious Studies |
1 |
1 |
1 |
Computing |
1 |
1 |
1 |
Art |
1 |
1 |
1 |
Design Technology (including Food and Electronics) |
2 |
2 |
2 |
Music |
1 |
1 |
1 |
PE |
2 |
2 |
2 |
Individual Development Programme (including PSHE and Careers) |
1 |
1 |
1 |
Total |
25 |
25 |
25 |
Languages at Key Stage 3
We value the study of languages. It forms part of our ambitious Key Stage 3 curriculum. The ability to communicate in multiple languages can give students an advantage in their future career and support success in an increasingly global community. Studying languages gives a better insight into people and their different cultures.
In Year 7, students study Spanish and German for equal parts of the year and are then given the choice of which they wish to continue with during Key Stage 3. Students can opt for Spanish, German, or both at GCSE.
Key Stage 4 - Years 10 and 11
In Year 9, we support our students through the ‘Pathways’ process and advise them to follow a broad and balanced curriculum and to pick subjects they are passionate about and those that support their future aspirations. They should start thinking about their Post-16 progression route at this time. Our pastoral teams identify and support students with a diverse range of issues from organisation and revision to coping with stress and anxiety. Additional support is provided for students who are falling behind by their subject teachers.
Optional Ebacc GCSE Subjects
- German Language
- Geography
- History
- Spanish Language
Optional GCSE Subjects
- Art
- Business Studies
- Computer Science
- Design & Technology
- Electronics
- Food Preparation and Nutrition
- Music
- Physical Education
- Religious Studies
Level 2 Vocational Qualifications (equivalent to 1 GCSE)
- Sports Studies
- Business Enterprise
Students study their three option subjects in addition to the core curriculum and the time allocation, in hours, is given below:
Subject | Year 10 and Year 11 |
English (Language and Literature) |
4 |
Mathematics |
4 |
Science (Combined Science or Separates) |
6 |
Individual Development Programme (including Careers) |
1 |
Physical Education |
1 |
Option Subjects |
3 x 3 = 9 |
Our remote learning offer consists of our Virtual Learning Environment (VLE). This is available to all families and has been created by our teachers with a myriad of useful resources to help support and extend learning. We also use a range of subject-specific online platforms.
To find out more about our curriculum, please see our subject area pages.