Numeracy is a key life skill and one which all students access across the wider curriculum and not just in maths. West Hill School has high aspirations and is committed to securing and raising the standards of numeracy for all students. These numeracy skills are necessary for students to be successful and confident in their learning and empower them to aim high and achieve their full potential. They also support students to move on from West Hill School and achieve, post 16; enabling them to live within, and contribute responsibly to, society.
All students are assessed on their basic numeracy skills on arrival in year 7. This allows us to have a baseline, compare year-on-year, and to address any gaps or areas of need timely and effectively.
Every year group from year 7 to year 10 completes an age-appropriate numeracy task during form time once a week. This revisits prior learning and reinforces basic skills. Form groups also have a nominated numeracy champion who assists any students that are not able to complete the task or a question independently. The numeracy champion will talk the form through the answers and methods, as required.
All maths lessons start with a ‘Do Now’ task which also revisits prior learning and basic numeracy skills.
All students have a personalised weekly home learning task on Sparxmaths. This follows the scheme of learning being taught in school whilst also revisiting prior learning and basic numeracy skills. In year 7 this also includes a times table task.
Numeracy is included across the curriculum, and departments work closely to ensure students are taught consistently on topics which do cross over between subjects.
The maths department provides a weekly challenge in the form of ‘the maths puzzle of the week’ which is open to all students and has a range of puzzles to solve. There is also a maths department puzzle club each week which is open to all students.