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Curriculum Aims

We aim for everybody to:

  • develop a love of cooking, enabling them to express and develop their own creativity
  • understand and apply the principles of nutrition and health
  • learn how cooking is a crucial life skill which will enable them to feed themselves and others affordably and well, now and in later life
  • cook a repertoire of predominantly savoury dishes so that they are able to feed themselves and others a healthy and varied diet
  • understand the source, seasonality and characteristics of a broad range of ingredients
  • become competent in a range of cooking techniques; for example, selecting and preparing ingredients; using utensils and electrical equipment; applying heat in different ways; using awareness of taste, texture and smell to decide how to season dishes and combine ingredients; adapting and using their own recipes

Curriculum Information


The WJEC Eduqas GCSE in Food Preparation and Nutrition equips students with the knowledge, understanding and skills required to cook and apply the principles of food science, nutrition and healthy eating. It encourages students to cook, enables them to make informed decisions about food and nutrition and allows them to acquire knowledge in order to be able to feed themselves and others affordably and nutritiously, now and later in life. This linear qualification is made up of a written exam worth 50% taken at the end of the 2-year course and x2 Non-Examination Assessment (NEA) tasks which are both carried out in year 11. The NEA tasks are worth 50% of the final result in total.

Summary of Assessment

Component 1 - Principles of Food Preparation and Nutrition

Written examination: 1 hour 45 minutes

50% of the qualification

100 marks (graded level 1 to 9)

Areas of Content

1. Food commodities

2. Principles of nutrition

3. Diet and good health

4. The science of food

5. Where food comes from

6. Cooking and food preparation

Component 2 - Food Preparation and Nutrition in Action

Non-examination assessment (NEA): internally assessed, externally moderated 50% of qualification

Assessment 1: The Food Investigation Assessment: 8 hours; 15% of the qualification

A scientific food investigation which will assess the student's knowledge, skills and understanding in relation to scientific principles underlying the preparation and cooking of food.

Example NEA 1 tasks

Task A: Shortcrust pastry should be crisp to the bite and crumbly in the mouth. It can be prepared using a range of different ingredients. Investigate the working characteristics and the functional and chemical properties where appropriate, of the different ingredients needed to achieve a perfect shortcrust pastry.

Task B: There are a number of ways to thicken a sauce. Investigate the working characteristics and the functional and chemical properties where appropriate, of the different methods used to thicken a sauce

Assessment 2: The Food Preparation Assessment: 12 hours; 35% of the qualification

Prepare, cook and present a menu which assesses the student’s knowledge, skills and understanding in relation to the planning, preparation, cooking and presentation of food.

These assessments will be based on a choice of tasks released by WJEC Eduqas annually.

Example NEA 2 tasks

Task A: A local restaurant is holding an international week. Research, prepare and cook 3 dishes that could be served on a themed menu to promote the cuisine of a specific country or region.

Task B: Celebrity chefs have been promoting the importance of a healthy diet for children. Research, prepare and cook three dishes that could be served on an open day menu to encourage new students to eat in the school canteen.


Where can I find more details?

Additional Information

Students are required to bring ingredients/containers in from home on a regular basis. Practical food preparation is an essential part of this GCSE.

Subject Guide for Parents and Carers

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