Transport – Getting to school
We do not have any facilities for parents to drive onto the school site unless for pre-arranged meetings. The most convenient place to drop-off and pick up students is on Astley Road. However, this can get congested and care should be taken.
We would like to encourage as many students as possible to use public transport, walk or cycle to school. This has positive benefits for health and fitness, and the environment.
Public Transport
West Hill School is easily accessible by bus or train. We are linked to the Metrolink network via buses from Ashton interchange.
Transport for Greater Manchester provide information on the specific services §here:
The igo card ensures that students will be charged the concessionary fare. Further information can be found here:
Cycling to School
We have space on the school site for 48 cycles. Each cycle rack has a locker. The key is made available by inserting a one-pound coin (this is refunded) or a token/locker coin.
As with any other form of transport, parents and students take responsibility for travel to and from school. We expect students to be responsible and respectful of other road users.
- Students must only park bikes in the cycle racks.
- Riding bikes on the school site is strictly forbidden and boys must walk with them to the storage area.
- A cycle helmet must be worn on the way to and from school.
- The cycle should be regularly checked and maintained.
- To deter theft, an appropriate lock will be used to lock the bike during the day.
- Students using their bike in periods of darkness will ensure they have working lights and make an effort to be visible to other road users by wearing appropriate safety clothing.
The school provides and maintains the storage facility and will take all reasonable steps to ensure general security throughout the day. We are not responsible for any damage or loss that may occur.
You may find the information and links below of use:
TfGM West Hill School Map
The Highway Code - Rules for cyclists (59 to 82)
THINK! - Cycle Safety